Wednesday, September 8, 2010

"Ground Zero" Community Center...N.Y.C.

To the members; There is a controversy raging over the proposed community center a couple of blocks from "ground zero" in N.Y.C. As one of the co-founders of the group, I felt it incumbent upon me and Robert to investigate what, if any, reservations we should have in this matter. The answer in short is....none.
Imam Faisal Abdul Rauf is a member of the Sufi sect of Islam, as any one who is Muslim knows they and the Ammahdiya sect, are the two most peaceful sects there are in the followers of Islam. I have researched with Robert and by myself the history and writings of this man over the last ten days and from what I can find we as members of The People of Abraham, Christians, Muslims and Jews, should and must, welcome this center that is dedicated toward understanding and co-responsibility of human beings directed by God to be the peace bringers of the world. All of our books command us to do this, and being a devout Christian I can take no other course of action. I am hopeful that all will see the wisdom of this and join us here to fight the wrongful branding of over a billion people with the wrongdoing of those who would pollute their faith much the same as some pollute our Christian faith and that of Judaism as well. We must stand as People of the Book for peace... God commands it!

Reverend Bruce H. Holzrichter Sr. Tree of The Mustard Seed Ministries and The People of Abraham, Christians Muslims and Jews.

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