Friday, August 15, 2008

A Brief Question and Not So Brief Answer

In a discussion of The People of Abraham I was asked this question.
" So, it's God, in the human conscience?"


Very close, very, very, close.

Maybe though, it would be easier to think of it as the humanity of all of us.

All normal humans have a conscience. Some have had it warped by their cultures, that is correct.
But, aside from those, we have people who don't want to see their children burn, their cities reduced to ash, entire populations literally wafting through the stratosphere as radioactive dust.

During the cold war these were possibilities. They are more possible now, because we have some, who have been twisted to believe, their version of God will preserve them, and kill every body else.

Now comes the interesting part!! Some of these are Muslims, some are Jews, some are Christians, And some are unnamed and just as NUTS!!

So is it God, or spirit, in the conscience of human beings? Or is it just the desperate desire to see our children live?? The real promise, of any future at all, our children. We can see them, we can touch them, hear their cries of pain, as they hunger, thirst, suffer from fear, or lie screaming as they die.

Or we can come together in hope. Hope that none of these things need take place. Hope that we can see them grow,in safety. Hope that others can see, that whatever it takes, the insanity MUST stop!! The choice is ours, no matter how much somebody wants to shove away the responsibility, or hand it to somebody else, it is each of us that must stand, and choose.

Do we, and they, live?? Or do we, and they, die??

Sit back in self righteous glee as it all comes apart, and say, SEE I TOLD YOU!!! Or do what you can now, and if the balloon goes up, die, knowing at least you tried!!!

Choose well!!

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