Wednesday, October 14, 2009

TAWODI!! Where have you been??!!??

Well ya see it's like this.....I got kinda discouraged back through the summer i had some health issues and conflicts with some of the members of The People of Abraham. I was limited in what and how much i could do or contribute because of those health issues and absolutely could NOT get anybody to post articles or help in any way.....What to do??

So I kinda took a vacation. Once before I closed the blog in frustration, but deceded this time I would leave it open and if the sprirt moved write something here.
Nothing moved, never mind the spirit!!

O.K. I watched others who should have known better tear into each other in cross religious disputes...disquieting indeed. Then watched them gut each other like a fish!! What are you doing people!!??

I yelled and screamed ....was ignored....cajoled and gently maneuvered...was stomped!! O.K. when it's time for a holiday...take a holiday!!

Well things have quieted down somewhat those in conflict seem to have left and those who remained in the back ground?? Well, I guess I'll see if they are still around!

So I will write something pretty quickly, probably this, or next week, and we'll see where it goes from here. By the By anyone who wishes can write here, there are after all eleven listed contributors you didn't?? Well, maybe that's because they've never contributed anything!

Mayhap that will change....maybe only to chew me out for bringing it out into the open this way!

We shall see what we shall see!!

Tawodi.............Rev. Bruce