Friday, November 6, 2009

Prayers and concerns for our fallen soldiers

It is at times like these that the work of The People of Abraham becomes the hardest, but the most necessary.

I, like all of you, have been swept up in the concern for and the upheaval of, the recent attack on our soldiers at Fort Hood in Texas. When it was announced that the belief system of the person responsible for the shootings is Muslim, my heart broke.

I am a Christian Pastor as most of you know, and an apologist for none! Evil is evil, no matter what religious system is followed and no matter what the color or social standing, the perpetrator of evil professes. There are, and shall be, no such excuses offered from our organisation.

But I do pray that the judgement of many, will not be impaired by hatred of our Muslim brothers and sisters who follow the path of Islam.

Already there is a flood of garbage, of falsities and downright lies, of just what Islam is and what the beliefs of those who practice it are. I do know there will be no stopping this, as those who profess to know are nothing if not persistant, in the lies that they spread.

It MUST be remembered that there are one and a half billion followers of Islam in the world and the number of extremeists is but a tiny percentage of them.

We in America and elsewhere are at war with that segment of radicals but NOT the rest of peaceful followers of the Islamic way, one of whom is Mr. Robert Salaam one of the co-founders of this organisation, who I count myself honored and blessed to know.

I also know dozens of loyal Muslims who have, and are, serving this nation well, and honorably, on both fronts of that war, and elsewhere in the world.

We must not allow a kneejerk response to destoy the efforts of so many toward the lasting just peace, that they have sacrificed so much for.

We must not allow hatred to come forth in our country, as it has in the past, through ignorance. We must continue to strive for understanding especially here at home.

So it is with a heavy heart that I tender to those who have lost loved ones and had loved ones injured in this latest example of insanity, my deepest condolences and hope for healing and comfort from, and in, the Lord, God, keeper of all mankind.

Rev. Bruce Holzrichter Sr. People of Abraham, Christians Muslims and Jews.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

TAWODI!! Where have you been??!!??

Well ya see it's like this.....I got kinda discouraged back through the summer i had some health issues and conflicts with some of the members of The People of Abraham. I was limited in what and how much i could do or contribute because of those health issues and absolutely could NOT get anybody to post articles or help in any way.....What to do??

So I kinda took a vacation. Once before I closed the blog in frustration, but deceded this time I would leave it open and if the sprirt moved write something here.
Nothing moved, never mind the spirit!!

O.K. I watched others who should have known better tear into each other in cross religious disputes...disquieting indeed. Then watched them gut each other like a fish!! What are you doing people!!??

I yelled and screamed ....was ignored....cajoled and gently maneuvered...was stomped!! O.K. when it's time for a holiday...take a holiday!!

Well things have quieted down somewhat those in conflict seem to have left and those who remained in the back ground?? Well, I guess I'll see if they are still around!

So I will write something pretty quickly, probably this, or next week, and we'll see where it goes from here. By the By anyone who wishes can write here, there are after all eleven listed contributors you didn't?? Well, maybe that's because they've never contributed anything!

Mayhap that will change....maybe only to chew me out for bringing it out into the open this way!

We shall see what we shall see!!

Tawodi.............Rev. Bruce

Sunday, May 10, 2009

An ongoing conversation

Documentary for English Al Jazeera shows US military chaplains in Afghanistan coaching soldiers how to violate the spirit of General Order Number One while maintaining plausible deniability.

My response to this after some wrote supporting these practices of erzatz "missionaries" in the field, is as follows:

The top brass should have some people's guts for garters for this crap!!

But the top brass might be part of the problem!

I wrote about this and talked of it on my show, it's pure double distilled purple poison to do this in the field, as contested as things are now, it's just plain criminally stupid!!

Someone else's follow up: Yeah, I agree, because the word of god is so insidious, hateful, and damaging to those whos lives are heavily subsidized by American taxpayers.

Obvious in it's content.

One more response from me: If some body wants to evangelize people they should not, (one) counsel the direct disobedience to standing orders. (two) do so in a place such as A stan or Iraq where the indegenous people look at us as possible religious conquerers. And our enemies there use this issue to justify their attacks on us.

This is dangerous to our troops!! ALL of our troops, as it makes no difference where they are, they are subject to more aggresive resistance by the indigenous people to our presence.

When you are trying to passify peoples, it is best not to pee in their cereal!!


A response from another; Dear Readers,
Please, don't you care about the souls in Afghanistan for whom the Christ died? Have you seen the abysmal statistics for that G-d forsaken land? Have you read Afgan history?
If you are short of time, just pick up a Henty book.
Hasn't Afghanistan suffered long enough?
You question the place of Christianity in the U.S.A. Our Founding Fathers did not. Here are some quotes:

My response to all who participated; "I ask you again...don't you care?"

Of course I care!! Don't you??

Before you approach someone about questions of faith, you MUST first ascertain if they want to hear it!!

To go into a contested society and start to "spread the word", for want of a better term, you had best determine if it will get you, or others, killed!!

Now, once the conflict has ended and cooler heads prevail, THEN you can talk religion....IF, that is IF, they want to hear it!! AND!! After you have PROVED your intentions and actions as a good Christian should, so they approach you wanting what it is you have, not the other way around.

Otherwise respect their choices and leave it alone!!

This is why Christians have such a reputation as arrogant azzes!! We assume everybody is hell bound if they are not one of us. When our own book tells us, "They who have never heard My Name serve Me, and their names are written in the book of life." SO, if God has a problem with them, HE will fix it NOT you.

Now I am an ordained Christian Minister and a good one, not to be falsly humble, but I would NEVER make someone feel their religion is not as good as mine.

That kind of thinking, you keep to yourself!! Down that road lies madness, injury and death, for millions!! Always has, always will!!

Rev. Bruce.....Tawodi.

Now as can be readily seen, we have a problem with our own people doing things that endanger our troops, our selves and the WORLD with this behaviour. PLEASE, if you know people who are doing these things, prosylatising the unwilling, or those in contested areas, tell them the danger they are facing and exposing others to.

Yes, we as Christians are supposed to spread the word of the Gospel, but we are NOT to actively seek death for our selves and others while we do it!!

Reverend Bruce...................Tawodi.....T.P.O.A.