Saturday, October 18, 2008


The Nation of Islam, today announced that they are inviting hundreds of religious leaders tomorrow to a rededication of the historic Mosque Maryam, Which is in Chicago Illinois.
Minister Farrakhan is sceduled to speak.

The Nation of Islam purchased the former Greek Orthodox Church, in 1972 and has since been making renovations. The stately 1948 building, with a golden dome and topped with an Islamic crescent moon is alao adorned with Qu'ranic Verses in Arabic on the outside.

This event comes just weeks after the death of Imam W.D. Mohammed, the son of Nation Founder Elijah Muhammad, who broke with the group, bringing thousands of African Americans closer to mainstream Islam.

This is deemed by some, to be a conscious move to open the Mosque to the community and the community, to be reddicated to Islam.

With Malcolm X's Haj and his return to this country years ago, he was awakened to the cross- cultural and multi-racial aspects of Islam which is exclusionary to none.
There is a Latin liason outreach program, firmly in place. Also Minister Ishmael Muhammad a top assisting Minister of the Mosque, and a possible successor to Farrakhan, has talked about unity between ALL people, even at times speaking in spanish.

Farrakhan has tried to slowly bring the Nation of Islam movement closer to the mainstream of Islam. The major impediment being that Elijah Muhammad, was considered by many to be a prophet. Orthodox Islam teaches that there has been no prophet since Muhammad, in the seventh century. Also in the passing of years, he has worked to ameliorate, or remove altogether, some of the facets of the movement that are controversial with other beliefs, and Islam itself.

Tomorrow's address will mark the second major address this year and is expected to outline some of the goals and co-operative efforts toward reconciliation between the nation of Islam, Orthodox Islam, and other faiths represented in the community in which the Mosque, and the Nation, calls it's headquarters

His age of 75 is thought by some, to be the motivating factor in his increasing efforts to establish an aura of peace and reconciliation, between all people.

As one of the co-founders of The People of Abraham I applaud, as does Mr. Robert Salaam, this erstwhile effort of peace, and pray that it will be nurtured by his, and ALL, followers of Islam and all other religious structures around the world.

Copyrighted Oct.18 2008. Free use and disemination is encouraged and welcomed, in the interest of peaceful relations of all, world wide. Rev. Bruce Holzrichter Sr. Tree of The Mustard Seed Ministries. Dennisport Ma. 02639

Thursday, October 2, 2008

"Obsession", with hatred

The following article appears at Robert Salaam's blog The American Muslim. As you may know Robert is the co-founder of The People of Abraham, along with my self.

More than 28 million copies of a blatantly biased and anti-Islamic film called “Obsession” were distributed last week through more than 70 conservative newspapers across the nation. These newspapers are owned and operated by those who are identified as supporters of Israel, and Evangelical Christian groups. The funding to the distribution of the documentary has come from Clarion Fund Inc, a New York based group. Majority of donors are either Israelis or pro-Israeli businesses and individuals and right wing Christian evangelical groups.

The DVD was distributed in all those states where the Republican Party is struggling to retain the support of independent voters. The purpose is to create and maintain an environment of fear and hatred against Islam and Muslims. The goal of the distributors seems to ensure that Muslim Americans are seen as fifth columnist and suspect in the eyes of average Americans. This would mean that the doors of public institutions should remain closed to them and unless supported by the pro-Israeli groups and the Republicans, none of them should be trusted.

The documentary is nothing but unashamed propaganda probably compiled from the archives of the Israeli government.

Apparently, major evangelical groups and leaders including Peter Hagee, the guru of the Republican nominee McCain have given their blessings to the movie.

The movie is a major international enterprise, unmatched in the history of Islam and west relations. Not even during the crusades was the propaganda machinery mobilized so swiftly as it has been done now.

There are a few things that Muslim Americans can seriously work on to combat this misinformation.

1. A national summit of Muslim leaders to look at the issue and develop a unified and coordinated strategy. Muslim masses should become active and coordinate with their leaders to be proactive on this issue. (On October 10 and 11, the Las Vegas Islamic Society of Nevada is hosting its sixth annual Quran conference to be attended by many prominent Muslim leaders. This conference can devote a few session on developing a unified strategy.)

2. and many other Islamic websites have access to information about Islam and Muslim Americans they should plan to produce a documentary on Islam and Muslim-West Relations citing incidents of hatred against Islam and Muslims in recent times. They should prepare a budget for research and production and present it to the community and proceed with it on an emergency footing.

3. Muslim organizations should approach interfaith groups in their localities to develop a unified response to this challenge. Muslim community in those states where local newspapers distributed the DVDs should buy a full page of ad to introduce them to the general public.

4. Muslim Americans should offer their lives as living examples of peaceful and law abiding citizens. We are proud to say that thousands of Muslim medical professionals in the country are busy saving human lives of fellow Americans day in and day out and never do they deviate from their professional ethics. Thousands of engineers are involved in maintaining the essential infrastructure of the nation with full responsibility. Millions of workers are engaged in running the economy and contributing to its growth. Not only here in America, but all over the world, the Muslim communities are standing up against terror and injustices and for the rights of common people.

5. Muslim Americans should engage in public debates in the upcoming election. They should be visible in walks through neighborhood at precinct levels. They should speak up and take a stand against those who are perpetuating hatred against Islam. Moreover, they should remain alert about the Islamophobic campaigns going on in the country. They should know the background of all those who are hate mongers and they should be willing to expose them.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Wow ! it's October!! How did that happen?? I guess I've been busy. Oh well I never lost a whole month before!!!! And, I don't even drink!!

Actually it's been pretty qioet here at The peole of Abraham nobody has asked any questions this month and none of the listed contributors have made any posts.....Hmmmmm, gotta do something about that!!

I really think some times that people gather themselves in fits and starts and then that little thing called life intrudes on all of our plans....I know it does on mine.

I did link several new organizations this month and last month and they have been in touch via e mail with me and are following what we do and how we do it as once again we are a little different we're not run by clergy for clergy we are set up for just folks to come top and get information on how we CAN co-exist without killing one another for our different beliefs.

It does help that in the U.S.A. there are no territorial imperatives that have been breached and no real tribalistic influences except those that are brough here to be assimilated into our unique culture, as Americans first everything else second. At least that's how it's supposed to work!!

Be well I am off to go preach today and wish you a happy EID to share with our Muslim brothers and sisters............Rev. Bruce..................Tawodi