Tuesday, July 22, 2008

A new Contact !!

Today we have the honor of welcoming to our listings of fellow organizations, THREE FAITHS Jewish Christian and Muslims. Located in Wellington New Zealand.

Welcome brothers and sisters!!

We continue to link this way, to show our members and those who visit, that there are people all over the world, that are doing as we are. Working for peace and understanding, between the three major faith systems of the world and all other human beings. No matter what they believe, or even those of no faith. We are all in the human drama that will create, or destroy, our future together.

Welcome to Past president David Moskovitz and his fellow congregation of Progressive Jewish people of the Sinai Temple of Wellington New Zealand, we are honored by your presence

Robert Salaam and Rev. Bruce holzrichter Sr. co-founders and the membership of The People of Abraham, Christians Mulsim and Jews United States of America

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Questions and Answers!!

Today I announced, on Tawodi's Hawks Nest, that today the Board of Advisers is open for questions. We have the great honor and good fortune to have as volunteers, Nine people very knowledgable in their religions. Some have Masters and upward degrees in their disciplines and worship practices. Welcome to all of them!!

To take advantage of this service, you can contact them at the following E Mail address....
the-people-of-abraham@googlegroups.com Pose your question in a proper form, your email address WILL NOT be given for any reason to anyone after your question is answered it will be discarded. We will keep the questiion and assign it a file number but your name and any information, will be deleted. SO! don't get angry with us if we don't remember you!! On your answer you will recieve this file number, keep it! Use it to refer to the first question if you want to correlate them for some reason, to us.

The second way to pose a question is to use the comment section on this blog. Yep that's right you can do it right here. We have expanded the comment section to full page size!! This is to give you plenty of room to pose multiple questions and even submit an article!! That's right, you can post here!! It will be moderated, (for obvious reasons) and then, posted if you wish. Or we will simply answer your multiple questions.

You need not be a member of The People of Abraham to use this service, we'd like it if you were, but it is not necessary. This service is open to all. And, more importantly free!! We are all volunteers, everything here is FREE, there is no charge to join, no charge to use the services, no charge for anything you copy and use elsewhere. This is our Calling, take advantage of it!!

The most important thing to remember is this, we will allow NO cross religion debate, NONE!! It is devisive and sometimes destructive and will not be tolerated. If you want to fight, go somewhere else!!

The form to pose a question, is as just that, a question.

Items that are submitted such as "Did you know that such and such religion does/believes thus and such." Any question posed this way will be considered a "challenge question" and will be given a file number and discarded. The second submission of this nature, after the first one has been flagged, will result in your being banned from ALL of our sites, NO EXCEPTIONS!!

This group is kind of unique in one way. Most are for people who are professionals in their faith structure. We are for ANYBODY, blue collar, white collar, any religion, anywhere in the world.

Welcome to all, Be well friends...........Rev. Bruce................Tawodi

Tuesday, July 8, 2008


Over a year ago a good friend of mine Rev. Bruce of Tawodi’s Hawk Nest and I came together to discuss what Muslims, Christians, and Jews can do together to bring about peace within and outside our communities. We were compelled to come together on those things we agree rather than the things we disagree. What we found out and which should be obvious, is that we agree on more things than we disagree. One principle agreement was that all of our respective religions look to Abraham (as) as the father of our religions. As such, if we have a central origin while our paths may vary and disperse in many different directions, if we go backward toward the beginning we find that we all started together. So why not come together in peace?

The Qur’an states:

41:34 But since good and evil cannot be equal, repel evil with something that is better (41,31)and lo! between whom thyself was enmity may then become as though he had always been close unto thee a true friend!

Basically, as Muslims we are told that if we strive toward good and shun evil even those who we disagree with or are our enemies may become close friends.

So what is the People of Abraham about?

The purpose is to capture the spirit of that Qur’anic verse. If we can come together in peace using our shared origin we can come together in peace and produce good works together.

We are not saying anyone is right or wrong in matters of theology. We are not trying to create a new religion. In fact, we are not even trying to discuss dogma only in the context of how we each use our own beliefs as a catalyst in peace.

We are realists. We understand that once you strip away our differences what is left are people who desire peace, freedom, and justice. We want our children to grow up in secure environments, we want to be safe, and we want to live in a better world.

Why not come together with those of similar wants and needs? If Peace is the ideal, then that means we should be able to respectfully disagree without being disagreeable. We should be able to live amongst and with one another in respect. We should be able to understand that no child deserves to grow up in a world were their peace and security in rests on what their religion is.

If we are all the creation and children of God, then that means we all have value. Abraham (as) was the friend of God and as his children, we should be friends with one another in our combined and shared desire to emulate that example.

We have to realize that peace is better than war, that good is better than evil, and that the peacemakers are the children of God.

We need to work together not just for our sake but the sake of future generations.

Either we come together, or we perish apart.

Author; ROBERT SALAAM published on Salaam's blog here on our link list. published here at his request,as co-founder of T.P.O.A.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Updates on Activities

Today is the fifth of July, there have been a few changes and additions, for this blog site and, other places on the net, concerning The People of Abraham.

The first order of business is the inclusion of this site in The Tree of The Mustard Seed Ministries, Web site. On this site is an index of links and organizations. Look on the right, you will see a widget that contains the link to get there it is a short web page with full support used to promote various aspects of our, and others, work in interfaith efforts. It is run and maintained by me and others, of these ministries. A short word is in order here as another change is going to take place. It is important to not give the impression of the new Ministries link being a “doorway” to the People of Abraham or any other site. The Tree of The Mustard Seed Ministries is a local church, visitation and Bible study conducted by me and other people whose calling is to homebound people and those in nursing homes and Hospice care. Since I am one of the founders I don’t mind, but encourage to some degree, the group. T.P.O.A. but, the work I do locally for it, is recruitment and organizational in nature. There are people who do participate in one place only. They have their own churches, or places of worship, but help in our efforts toward peace. The other thing to realize is that neither I, nor anyone else in this ministry, takes one red cent for anything we do…ever. Donations, sometimes offered, are referred to nursing home, resident moral funds, or gifts to Ronald McDonald House, or other charities in the name of the person donating it, or they may do so in our name. We accept no fees whatsoever, and never will. The same can be said for membership in, or affiliation to, The People of Abraham. I felt it important at this time to clear the air on that issue, thank you for your forbearance. It is also for what ever search engines are looking at us!!! They don’t like “doorways” !! And now, back to the point!

We are just about ready to field our Board of Advisors. These are people who possess degrees in various fields of religious study, some Masters degrees, others baccalaureates, two with DR. after their name. The purpose of these people is to answer questions from members and non members alike. Too much dissention occurs between people of different faith systems of belief, especially when a person makes a statement about someone's faith and they don't even have a firm grasp of their own!!

How anyone can tell me what I believe, when they do not worship in my faith, is a mystery to me, as it is to almost everybody else! Cross religion debate, is not allowed on any of The People of Abraham sites. It too rapidly becomes contentious and destructive and our purpose is to bring people together. Not foster dissention and enmity!!

So, the existence of a board of advisors. If you are engaged in discussion on another site and someone raises a question you would like the REAL answer to, from a scholar trained in that discipline, well, come to one of our sites, pose your question and it will be forwarded to the appropriate person and you will recieve your answer via e mail, ( you must leave an address) If perchance, you do not mind an open posting on this forum here, we will answer it openly, but will not use your name and no information about you will be divulged.

The open posting of questions can take place in the comment section, available after any post. These have been expanded in size, so that an entire page is available to insure you have room to be as thorough as possible, or may have more than one question.

Also if you would like to post an article you have written or present material from you or somewhere else you can use this feature as there is a whole page available, and if you need it, you can simply fill a page, stop, file it by clicking send or submit, and then logging back in and finishing what you are writing and completing your submission. PLEASE! Be aware of copywrite laws and credit material from other sources, as we cannot control access and /or dissemination of material once you post it, we do not want to face copywrite infringment lawsuits!!( niether do YOU!!!)

How do I become a member of The People of Abraham?? EASY, go to the face book site via hyper link, and sign up!! OR do so right here, click on "the google help group site for us, and sign in there, it is more secure as we control access, your information will not be shared. We make no money from these efforts, so there is no reason, at all, for us to give your info to anyone!! We are setting up a directory of benifits and/or activities. You will be asked for opinions, on chat sessions, or maybe even occasional guest appearances on talk shows, if you want to address certain aspects of faith or the group's outside activities for gatherings and rallies, that sort of thing, to increase the group's size and scope that you may participate in, or even organise yourself!

Printed materials, to bring to your Church, Synagogue, or Mosque, to share with your congregations to invite people to join us in this effort. We will be making downloadable forms you can download your self and disseminate that way, there is no cost except for the paper, no postage, no printing, etc. etc. This way we can operate with no dues, no membership fees, and each in his, or her own way, can participate for pennies and we can reach so many more people this way.

Print this page if you wish, it is a blue print for all the things that are taking place, or are on the horizon for The People of Abraham. We need you!! Please join in this important work toward peace. So many say they want it, but so few are willing to do anything for it. We are setting this up so most can be of vast benefit to the work right from their office or living room, it doesn't get easier, or cheaper, than that!!!

Be well all, Rev. Bruce......................................Tawodi